====== variable ====== nur aktivieren, wenn nötig (Cache für Seiten wird ausgeschaltet, daher geringere Performance des DokuWiki) Zeigt den Wert interner DokuWiki-Variablen an. Im Handbuch-Wiki nicht aktiviert! ^ Label ^ Inhalt ^ | %%@ID@%% | full ID of the page | | %%@NS@%% | namespace of the page | | %%@NSL@%% | full external link to current namespace | | %%@PAGE@%% | page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces) | | %%@PAGEL@%% | full external link to current page | | %%@USER@%% | ID of current user | | %%@NAME@%% | full name of current user | | %%@MAIL@%% | mail address of current user | | %%@DATE@%% | current date | | %%@YEAR@%% | current year in YYYY format | | %%@MONTH@%% | current month in MM format | | %%@SMONTH@%% | current month in M format (without leading zero) | | %%@DAY@%% | current day in DD format | | %%@SDAY@%% | current day in D format (without leading zero) | | %%@TITLE@%% | first heading of the current page | | %%@WIKI@%% | title of the wikis as configured in ''config:title'' | | %%@SERVER@%% | the content of ''$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']'' | | %%@VER@%% | the contents returned by ''getVersion()'', such as “//Release 2013-12-08 "Binky"//” | | %%@VERR@%% | the release date as extracted from ''getVersion()'' | | %%@VERN@%% | the release name as extracted from ''getVersion()'' | | %%@ALIAS@%% | the e-mail alias of the current user e.g. ''john.doe''. If a different separator than the dot is required you can also use %%**@ALIAS_@**%% or %%**@ALIAS-@**%% | /* mit aktiviertem Plugin: ^ Label | Wert ^ Inhalt ^ | %%@ID@%% | @ID@ | full ID of the page | | %%@NS@%% | @NS@ | namespace of the page | | %%@NSL@%% | @NSL@ | full external link to current namespace | | %%@PAGE@%% | @PAGE@ | page name (ID without namespace and underscores replaced by spaces) | | %%@PAGEL@%% | @PAGEL@ | full external link to current page | | %%@USER@%% | @USER@ | ID of current user | | %%@NAME@%% | @NAME@ | full name of current user | | %%@MAIL@%% | @MAIL@ | mail address of current user | | %%@DATE@%% | @DATE@ | current date | | %%@YEAR@%% | @YEAR@ | current year in YYYY format | | %%@MONTH@%% | @MONTH@ | current month in MM format | | %%@SMONTH@%% | @SMONTH@ | current month in M format (without leading zero) | | %%@DAY@%% | @DAY@ | current day in DD format | | %%@SDAY@%% | @SDAY@ | current day in D format (without leading zero) | | %%@TITLE@%% | @TITLE@ | first heading of the current page | | %%@WIKI@%% | @WIKI@ | title of the wikis as configured in ''config:title'' | | %%@SERVER@%% | @SERVER@ | the content of ''$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']'' | | %%@VER@%% | @VER@ | the contents returned by ''getVersion()'', such as “//Release 2013-12-08 "Binky"//” | | %%@VERR@%% | @VERR@ | the release date as extracted from ''getVersion()'' | | %%@VERN@%% | @VERN@ | the release name as extracted from ''getVersion()'' | | %%@ALIAS@%% | @ALIAS@ | the e-mail alias of the current user e.g. ''john.doe''. If a different separator than the dot is required you can also use %%**@ALIAS_@**%% or %%**@ALIAS-@**%% | */